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Hybrid ARCFEST held on 11th June and Morecambe Football Club, Morecambe

•Professor Mark Gabbay, Introduction
•Andy Curran, Associate Medical Director NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board
Accident & Emergency and Health Inequalities
Presentation slides
•Alex Blomfield
The Bay A Blueprint for Recovery
Presentation slides
•Dr Pooja Saini and Molly McCarthy
Staff perspectives of emergency department pathways for people attending in suicidal
•Sandra Smith
A Pathway for Palliative Care Patients to Avoid Admissions to A&E
Presentations slides
•Professor Dame Caroline Watkins
Presentation slides
•Claire Niebieski
Focussed wards and Embedding a voluntary organisation into the health service across the North West
Presentation slides
•Sam Meredith
Social Determinants of Multimorbidity within Emergency Hospital Admissions
Presentation slides
•Courtney Franklyn
Inequalities in Childhood Febrile Illness associated with paediatric emergency department attendance
•Alex Garner and Dr Pooja Sani
Impact of the HOPE initiative on hospital admission for self harm across Liverpool
•Hooi Ling Harrison
A focus on familiar faces an audit of high intensity users in AED
Presentations slides
•Anita Hansen
SJS Passport in AED
Presentation slides

Face to Face ARCFEST held on 12th March 2024 at the Liner hotel Liverpool

HYBRID ARCFEST held on the 12th December at the DCBL stadium in Halton

Face to Face ARCFEST HELD ON THE 7TH MARCH at The Liverpool Lighthouse

Third Hybrid ARCFEST held on the 13th of December at Chester Racecourse

Second Hybrid ARCFEST held on the 13th of September at the Castle Green Hotel in Kendal

First Hybrid ARCFEST held at the Florrie on 21st June 2022

The running order for the March 2022 ARCFEST can be found here.

The entire collection of our June ARCFEST presentations can be found on our YouTube Channel here.

ARCFFEST presentation breakdown
ArcFest Welcome & Our Work in Social Care.
Public Involvement Update.
Theme Meeting MIDAS, CHI, IMPaCT.
Theme Meeting PCCC.
Theme Meeting IPH.
Theme Meeting HaCAL.
Workshop Critically Evaluating Statistics Examples from Health Inequalities Research.
Workshop Building Capacity in Mental Health Research and Implementation

Third Virtual ARCFEST held on 8th March 2022

The running order for the March 2022 ARCFEST can be found here.

The entire collection of our March ARCFEST presentations can be found here.

ARCFFEST presentation breakdown:
Dr Mark Gabbay Welcomes attendees to ARCFEST.
Mental Health Roundtable at ARCFEST.
Social Prescribing and Community Mental Health at ARCFEST.
Social Prescribing and Community Mental Health and Well Being.
•Jennifer Dowring-Going Digital.
Public Involvement Update.
The Community Research and Engagement Network (CoREN).
Beneficial Changes Network Neonatal Induction Programme in Neonatal Care.
•Clarissa Giebel- Dementia and Research Forum (DARF).
•Member Focused Projects – examples and discussion.
Summary and Close.

Second Virtual ARCFEST held on 3rd December 2020

Resources from the EPHC theme are also available here:
•Watch the EPHC Theme introduction presentation
•Download the EPHC current work and new ideas presentation

First Virtual ARCFEST held on 15th September 2020

An outline from theme meetings can be found here.

Materials provided by themes for the ARCFEST are below:

Implementation updates from the ARCFEST
•MIDAS ARCFest Sept 2020 Implementation update
•IMPlementation And Capacitybuilding Team (IMPaCT) Implementation update

Health and Care Across the Life Course
•Community Health Worker scheme in Halton and Warrington
•What Does it Mean to Age Well with Bipolar Disorder?
•Facilitators and barriers to engaging with community support services in dementia: A mixed-methods approach of addressing health inequalities.
•Addressing inequalities in childhood febrile illness​ associated with paediatric emergency department attendance in Liverpool.
•How the revised UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative ​Standards influence the experiences of women/parents and infants who are socio-economically disadvantaged.​

Improving Population Health
•Theme Meeting Agenda
•Introductory theme slides
•PLDR Summary
•Evaluating the impact of air quality management policies on hospital admissions for respiratory conditions: A longitudinal controlled study
•PLDR data resource: Small Area Vulnerability Index & Small Area Mental Health Index
•Evaluating Interventions with RICE

Person-Centred Complex Care
•Summary of Theme Table work from ARCFEST 2020
•Remote consultations in primary care during COVID-19: views and experiences of healthcare professionals and patients

VIDEO update from Tony Marson, Theme Lead, Person-Centred Complex Care (PCCC)

Care and Health Informatics
•CHI Project Summaries
•Public Patient Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) in the Civic Data Co-operative (CDC)

VIDEO update from Sarah Rodgers, Theme Lead, Care and Health Informatics

Capacity Building
•Update Summary

IMPaCT / Implementation Team
•Update from the ARC NWC Implementation team

Health and Care Across the Life Course (HaCAL)
•Presentation slides from Mark Gabbay, Theme Lead
•Clarissa Giebel – slide of Covid-19 Dementia & Ageing Study
•Thais Caprioli – Facilitators and barriers to engaging with community support services in dementia: A mixed-methods approach of addressing health inequalities
•Minutes from February 2020 ARCFEST HaCAL theme meeting

Equitable Place Based Health and Care
•Update from EPHC theme
•ARC Diary Project summary
•Air Quality – work to date

•EPHC Findings from COVID-19 Diary Project:
•What’s in a method? Using diary methods to research public experiences
•Same storm, different boats? Experience of lockdown rules during COVID-19 – findings from a diary project
•Use of remote technology in research – Findings from the EPHC Diary Project
•Mental health and COVID-19 – findings from a diary project

1.EPHC theme meeting presentation introduction 15 Sept
2.Air Quality EPHC theme meeting
3.EPHC VCFSE presentation
4.Social Prescribing presentation
•EPHC Diary method presentation

Minutes from Theme Meeting February 2020 (ARCFEST)

•Presentation slides from Andy Clegg, MIDAS Theme Lead

Improving Population Health
•Slides from theme Lead, Ben Barr
•Improving Population Health Theme Minutes from ARCFEST February 2020

•MIDAS ARCFest Sept 2020

Public Involvement
•Public and Community Involvement, Engagement and Participation – Selina Wallis
•The Pursuit of Health Equity – It’s just how we do things around here
•Public Adviser experiences of health inequalities

Covid-19 Research
•Covid-Liv Household Survey: The Psychosocial and Community Impact of Covid 19 – Rhiannon Corcoran

Other documents
•Public Advisers’Forum Minutes February 2020
•Members’ Forum Minutes February 2020
•ARC NWC Stakeholder Engagement Strategy

•Other Themes / ARC NWC staff will provide verbal updates during the Webinar.

ARCFEST 2 - Sefton Park Liverpool, 27th February 2020

•Introduction / Pitch Titles (Professor Mark Gabbay)
•Person Centred Complex Theme
•Theme Slides

Improving Population Health
•Theme Slides
•Social Prescribing in Liverpool
•Local Economic Strategies and Health and Inequality
•Pneumonia Incidence Reduction

Equitable Place Based Health and Care
•Theme Slides

Care and Health Informatics

Health and Care across the Life Course
•Theme slides

Methodological Innovation Development Adaptation and Support (MIDAS)


ARC NWC Webinar 13th July 2020

RECORDING of Webinar below (added 15th July 2020)

Video recordings from our second virtual ARCFEST are now available in a playlist on our YouTube Channel


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