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UK Knowledge Mobilisation Forum by Dr Jane Cloke
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How playing a game can help spread awareness of dementia inequalities
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International Women’s Day: “What it means to me”
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Dementia research: putting PPIE at the heart
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Translating Artificial Intelligence into Clinical Practice a Helpful or Harmful Approach?
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Impact blog – what we are doing to ensure that the work we do together in ARC NWC makes a difference.
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Lessons from the first year Blackpool Annual Learning Event
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Challenges in undertaking an HTA: Lack of resources
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Public Adviser Farheen Yameen attends the ‘Economics in Policy’ Event
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Challenges in undertaking an HTA: Equity and HTAs – a balancing act
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Understanding climate change and what that means to our health and inequalities through creativity
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Challenges in undertaking an HTA: political decision-making and societal preferences
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Being research active across the North West Coast through the Community Research and Engagement Network (CoREN) – what next?
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How do we use data?
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FOR Equity Thermometer & Screening Tool – The story
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Challenges in undertaking an HTA: opportunity costs and budgetary constraints
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Health Technology Assessments – a new mini-series of blogs
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ARC NWC Member the Brain Charity launches diagnosis report in Parliament 
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Engagement with the Liverpool Dementia & Ageing Research Forum
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Becoming an Expert: ARC NWC PhD Student is giving the underrepresented a voice
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Lucy Kaluvu’s experience of the Health and Care Analytics conference 2023
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“My Experience of Fourteen NIHR Doctoral Research Training Camp June 2023”.
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What is data linkage?
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What is administrative/routine data?
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Action to reduce inequalities – applying an equity lens to research and evaluation
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ARC NWC PhD students present at a maternal and Infant Nutrition and Nurture conference
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What is data?
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A passport to success for improving the detection and reporting of adverse drug reactions
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What is CHI?
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Beyond Health Research (part II)
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Encouraging patients to keep their ventilation mask on to save their lives
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Meet ARC NWC Public Adviser – Terry Bryant!
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Profile: ARC NWC PhD student Lucy Kaluvu
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Another brick in the wall (of knowledge)
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A blog by Public Advisor, Alison Bryant
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Cancer Care by Design an International Symposium
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The Government’s response to Sars Covid 2
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Intellectual disabilities & economic evaluations
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Hybrid workshop for Merseyside Police
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Singing & Dancing Interventions for Dementia
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My first Discrete Choice Experiment
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The Liverpool Dementia & Ageing Research Forum
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‘Equity Lens’ the new Podcast Series is Live!
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Measuring the effects of digital health interventions in economic evaluations?
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“Seldom Heard Forum” ARC NWC
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Engaging communities over air quality
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Reimaging Arnstein’s ladder for health research coproduction
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Complex Needs and Co-Production
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Exposure to poor air quality is harmful to people living in disadvantaged areas.
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World Alzheimer Report 2022
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How has the pandemic affected dementia care in care homes?
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What are the unmet mental health needs of paid and unpaid carers?
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‘Hidden’ challenges -Made by Mortals workshop
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Health Equity Mainstreaming Strategy
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Bon Voyage and send us some postcards (or at least some tweets)!
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Recite Me web accessibility and language toolbar
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National Audit of Seizure Management in Hospitals – Recommendations
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From writing to communicating research and everything in between
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Nothing More Important
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Health Equity Mainstreaming Strategy
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Health Equity Mainstreaming Strategy has a new infographic!
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Stroke Awareness Month
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Hidden Event Blog
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It’s Dementia Action Week 2022
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NIHR ARC NWC – Beyond Health Research
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Twitter as a Tool for Communicating Academic Content
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ARC NWC Public Adviser Alan Griffiths on FOREquity
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Take me to your leader- A brief interaction with an extra terrestrial being.
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Update to the Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards (CHEERS)
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Meet our latest Public Adviser: Dr Robert Garsden MacDonald
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Breaking the Bias for International Women’s Day
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Capturing infant feeding journeys in East Lancashire
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“If we’re not counted, we don’t count”
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Standing up for Science
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Being a Parent/Carer and a Theme Co-lead!
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Our new publications exploration tool – PUMA
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The public’s voice can act as a catalyst for change
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Public Adviser Dorcas on her role in ORANGE THE WORLD
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Making online discussions engaging
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Tim Wilson on Health Equity Mainstreaming
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Seldom Heard Voices Forum: Neurodiversity
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“Mind the Gap!”
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ARC NWC Seldom Heard Voices Forum: Youth at Risk
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ARC NWC Seldom Heard Forum
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The predictive capability of SAVI index for COVID19
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An update on the ARC NWC HaCAL Theme
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COVID-19 has exacerbated existing inequalities
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Why I became involved in dementia research
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Embarked on your PhD journey during COVID-19?
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Study of the mental health of older adults in Colombia
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A public adviser’s perspective on the impact of Covid-19 care home restrictions upon residents and their families 
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COVID-19 and social care: the withdrawal of support services has negatively affected both people with dementia and their unpaid carers
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Adapting social activities for people with dementia
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What is the value in local outdoor space for mental health?
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ARC NWC researchers unlock the potential of health data in pioneering DOAC study
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Regional inequalities in the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
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Dementia care and its many inequalities
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Accessing data for dementia globally
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Knowledge Exchange between Liverpool and Maastricht
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