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Public Adviser Dorcas on her role in ORANGE THE WORLD


Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) takes place around the world, every day and can have profound long-term effects on survivors and those close to them. One hundred thirty-seven women are killed by a member of their family every day.

The United Nation’s 16 days of Activism against Gender Based Violence started on the 25th of November following White Ribbon Day which is an International call for the prevention and elimination of VAWG till the 10th of December which is Human Rights Day.

All Soroptimists all over the World take this opportunity to raise awareness about Violence against women and girls by having different activities using Orange format (see SIGBI.ORG). The campaign should be all year round even in schools, unfortunately it was too late for Ava the 12 year old girl who was stabbed to death by a teenage boy at the Liverpool City Centre, on white ribbon day 2021.

The range and prevalence of these crimes vary but Domestic Violence remains alarmingly high. An estimated 1.6 million women aged 16-74 suffered domestic Abuse in England and Wales and in the year ending March 2020, 81 women were killed in a domestic homicide. The Pandemic has had impact on relationship leading to the increase of domestic abuse. Nicole Jacobs , the first Domestic Violence Commissioner mentioned in the Sun (29/4/21) that “1 woman is killed by a partner or ex-partner every 4 days and 35 women murdered between March and July 2020”.

I represent the Applied Research Collaboration North West Coast (ARC NW) in the national ARC work on Domestic Violence and we are planning a study called “Integrating Social care in Response to Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse (IPVA): Supporting the Adult and Child victim.”

In the North West ARC a working group of Public Advisers has been set up and we are planning an event in the New Year to look at mapping Domestic Violence service gaps in the Liverpool region in order to prioritise research questions with our member organisations and communities. If anyone from other Themes, Researchers and members is interested please contact me on my email: or to

Thanks to the Soroptimists International Liverpool (SIL) for allowing me to use their Orange Christmas Tree which is situated at St Bride’s Church Liverpool to raise awareness of Violence Against Women and Girls.

Health Inequalities National Priority Project in conjunction with ARC West, ARC North East North Cumbria, ARC West Midlands, ARC Yorkshire and Humberside.

Identification and Referral to improve Safety Programme: Can we improve Health Care Response to Domestic Violence and Abuse- ARC North Thames.

Developing consensus about the implementation priorities for Adult Social care and Social Work: National Priorities Programme for Adult Social Care and Social Work by ARC Kent ,Surrey and Sussex (ARC KSS), ARC Oxford and Thames Valley, ARC East of England, ARC West, ARC West Midlands, ARC North East and Cumbria, ARC North Thames, ARC South London and ARC North West.

Dorcas Akeju, OBE
CoLead for HaCAL/Public Adviser


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