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Data Science Internships for Members

We are pleased to announce that we are accepting applications for Data Science Internships from ARC Member organisations.

ARC NWC Data Science Internships are an opportunity for staff from your organisation to develop skills and knowledge in analysing and interpreting data.

ARC NWC will provide funding for salary backfill (maximum £6000 available), allowing the intern to be released from their daily duties for the duration of the internship. The internship can be taken as a set number of days per week for a defined period (e.g. 1 day per week for 12 months).

The intern should develop a project related to existing data that has been collected and sit under one of the ARC theme priorities. The project must also involve public advisors and identify and address health inequalities. Colleagues in ARC NWC will be happy to support the development of a project, as appropriate.

Please share this information with colleagues within within member organisations who may be interested in applying for one of these internships.

Completed applications must be returned to by 5pm Monday January 25th 2021.

Direct links:
Additional information

Application Form


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