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MIDAS workshop takes members to the RaCES

The Methodological Innovation, Development, Adaptation & Support Theme (MIDAS) hosted a Rapid Conversions of Evidence Summaries (RaCES) workshop on Monday 27th March in the Engineering Centre at University of Central Lancashire.  Nine different RaCES teams’ attended generating approximately 30 people.  Partner Trusts present included Lancashire and South Cumbria, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals, Liverpool Women’s and Lancashire County Council. 

At the event, MIDAS team members worked with each team to develop a RaCES commentary in preparation for publication.  MIDAS Public Advisor and co-theme lead, Pat Jamal, presented her work with a RaCES team to produce a patient information leaflet on weight management for IVF treatment.  

Feedback was positive from the event with participants finding the event useful and productive within a non-formal environment.  MIDAS will be arranging another workshop for September.

Further information about RaCES can be found on the website or by contacting


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