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• MIDAS has established methodological sub-groups, providing the opportunity for people with a specialist interest in the use and development of a particular research methodology to establish a collaborative network

• The sub-groups allow people to meet to discuss, learn, develop and apply the methodology in health and social care research

• The sub-groups have the opportunity to support the development and delivery of research ideas, proposals, projects and funding applications in collaboration with ARC NWC member organisations

• Sub-groups are led by a senior members of ARC NWC with expertise in the methodological specialism. Members are invited to join the sub-groups and contribute to their work from within the ARC NWC’s member organisations (including academics, clinicians, service commissioners / providers, and patient/public advisers)

MIDAS Sub-groups and their sub-group leads
Behavioural Science (Professor Deirdre Lane)
Clinical Trials (New lead to be confirmed)
Complex Interventions (Professor Nefyn Williams)

Evidence Synthesis (Dr Lisa Jones)
Health Economics (Professor Bruce Hollingsworth)
Health Equity Champions (Dr Katerina Panagaki)
Implementation Science (Dr Yasemin Hirst)
Information Science (John Barbrook)
Medical Statistics (New lead to be confirmed)
Public Engagement & Involvement (New lead to be confirmed)
Qualitative (Dr Kirstie Coxon & Dr Clare Maxwell)


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