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ARC NWC has compiled this page to act as a hub for key information regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Please contact us via if you have any queries regarding the contents of these pages or individual research projects.

With many information sources available it is envisaged this page will act as a valuable hub for ARC NWC members and other ARC NWC stakeholders. We recommend ARC NWC members access the resources below which are regularly updated.


A major new consortium of over 30 researchers, health professionals, patients and industry partners from over 30 organisations, led by University College London Hospitals NHS Trust and University College London, will conduct the largest clinical study of long COVID to-date over two years. As countries around the world struggle to cope and recover from successive waves of the pandemic, this NIHR-funded research programme will inform medium and longer-term policy and health system responses. Find out more.

North West COVID-19 Projects on which ARC NWC is currently collaborating:

The effectiveness of psychological support interventions for those exposed to mass infectious disease outbreaks: a systematic

Liverpool Household Covid-19 Cohort Study (Covid-Liv)

Help with psychological interventions for staff and estimation of demand in relation to COVID-19

Survey of orthoptists across the UK to evaluate impact of changed clinical practice since COVID-19

The impact of Covid-19 related public health strategies on the lives of older people living in Uganda

Understanding choice, control and risk in public and community responses to the COVID-19 epidemic across the health divide to inform public health strategies in UK and Malawi

Liverpool Cohort Study: The Psychological and social impact of COVID-19

Analysing the impact of COVID-19 on the distortion of Health Care Systems in Liverpool and West Africa and producing guidelines to mitigate detrimental effects on ‘at risk’ non-COVID patients

Generating actionable evidence for containing the spread of misinformation

Exploring remote working practices for patient public involvement and engagement in research – responding to COVID-19

Healthcare professional and patient views and experiences of remote primary care consultations

Piloting diary methods to capture the public experiences the impact of COVID-19 in communities

Impact of COVID-19 on social care closures on the lives of people with dementia and family carers

Free to access COVID-19 Resources from ARC NWC Members:

ARC NWC MemberWhat is it?How do I get it?Who is it for?
COVID-19 Policy Briefs to enhance the capacity of local civic leaders, anchor institutions, and the policy community, by marshalling and cascading relevant expertise and translational research from our academic and policy-making communities in an accessible and digestible form.
R&D Departments
Local Authorities
This web-based resource is free for all to access from home following hospital discharge. Aimed to support ongoing patient rehabilitation. line staff
Discharge Planners
Community Workers
A new online application has been developed and is being used by Local Authority ARC NWC members as a tool for modelling / forecasting healthcare need during COVID-19. Contact in the first instance. Local Authorities
Resilience forums
ARC NWC Public Adviser Peter Lloyd comment papers on Covid-19. The most up to date contents of publications can be found at: Virus and Lockdown

COVID-19: The Struggle Towards a New Normal

Emerging from Covid-19 Managing the Transition

Learning the Lessons for COVID-19 - Opening the Door to Local Intervention

The Covid-19 Economy: Deep Recession and Socially Unequal Outcomes

A World Transformed: Connectivity, Speed, Threats and Vulnerability

Post COVID-19 Futures: Changing Work and Re-Thinking Skills

Covid-19: Widening Inequalities and Changing Futures

A Stain on the Nation - Care for the old and Vulnerable in England
Local Authorities
Prevalence of mental health conditions and the effectiveness of interventions for the psychological impacts on healthcare workers and the general population exposed to pandemics.

Covid-19 related systematic reviews from our MIDAS Team.
MIDAS Covid-19 related systematic reviews

Prospero Protocol

The prevalence and incidence of mental health conditions in the general population during and after a pandemic: systematic review
Prospero Protocol

The prevalence and incidence of mental health conditions in healthcare workers during and after a pandemic: systematic review.
Prospero Protocol

The effectiveness of interventions for the psychological impacts on the general population and healthcare workers exposed to mass outbreaks: a systematic review

Resources for latest Research Evidence, Advice and Guidance on COVID-19

OrganisationWhat's available?Examples of topics For who?
Official NIHR National
COVID-19 Studies

Interventional &

Participation Opps.
A phase I/II trial of a candidate COVID-19 vaccine (COV001)

Platform Randomised trial of INterventions against COVID-19 In older peoPLE

FLU-CATs : Evaluation and refinement of pandemic influenza community assessment tools

The PRIEST Study The PRIEST Study: Pandemic Respiratory Infection Emergency System Triage

Randomised Evaluation of COVID-19 Therapy (RECOVERY)
Research Staff
Rapid guidelines and
evidence summaries
COVID-19 rapid evidence summary: acute use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for people with or at risk of COVID-19

COVID-19 rapid guideline: community-based care of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

COVID-19 rapid guideline: managing suspected or confirmed pneumonia in adults in the community

COVID-19 rapid guideline: managing symptoms (including at the end of life) in the community

COVID-19 rapid guideline: severe asthma
Health care practitioners

Oxford COVID-19
Evidence Service
Rapid reviews of primary
care questions relating to
the coronavirus pandemic,
updated regularly.

Signs and Symptoms
Symptom Assessment
Activities delivered at home by family carers to maintain cognitive function in people with dementia socially isolating during COVID-19: Evidence for Non – technology based activities / interventions

What tests could potentially be used for the screening, diagnosis and monitoring of COVID-19 and what are their advantages and disadvantages?

What does RCGP surveillance tell us about COVID-19 in the community?

Practical tips for clinicians helping patients with COVID-related anxiety/distress

How can pandemic spreads be contained in care homes?

Question: Should the Roth score be used in the remote assessment of patients with possible COVID-19? Answer: No.
Primary Care Practitioners
Support Providers
Local Authorities
Resources to support
community and institutional
Long-Term Care responses
to COVID-19
Resource: Care Homes Strategy for Infection Prevention & Control of COVID-19 Based on Clear Delineation of Risk Zones

Report from Mainland China: Policies to Support Long-Term Care During the COVID-19 Outbreak

Comparing COVID-19 guidance on hospital discharges to care homes in England and Germany
Primary Care
Community Support
Local Authorities
Third Sector
Central Government
Advice and FAQs
Coronavirus outbreak FAQs: what you can and can't do

Coronavirus cases and figures - updated daily

Symptoms and what to do - Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Local Authorities

Learning Facility for
Doctors, Nurses,
Support Staff,
Volunteers, etc
FREE Coronavirus Learning resource for Doctors, Nurses, AHPs, Support staff,Volunteers, etc Frontline staff

Resources for COVID-19Coronavirus Resource from Liverpool Health Partners (Data Governance, Regulations, etc) Researchers
Front line staff
Health Summaries COVID-19 Health Evidence SummariesR&D Departments


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