EPHC Publications
Tips for evaluating your social prescribing service through an equity lens – March 2022
Tips for evaluating your social prescribing service through an equity lens
Social prescribing – how are we doing when it comes to health inequalities?
Social prescribing bite – November 2021
Evidencing the impacts of social prescribing
The role of the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise sector within an Integrated Care System – bite – November 2021
Air quality scoping research bite – December 2020
Community engagement in air quality actions: a review of local authority plans
Air quality scoping research bite – November 2020
Community engagement in air quality actions: towards the development of local demonstration sites
EPHC findings from COVID-19 Diary Project – September 2020
What’s in a method? Using diary methods to research public experiences
Same storm, different boats?
Use of remote technology in research – Findings from the EPHC Diary Project.
Mental health and COVID-19 – findings from a diary project
What’s in a method? Using diary methods to research public experiences
Mainstreaming public involvement in a complex research collaboration: a theory-informed evaluation
Health Expectations, May 2020
Access the published article here
There is an extensive literature on public involvement (PI) in research, but this has focused primarily on experiences for researchers and public contributors and factors enabling or restricting successful involvement in specific projects. There has been less consideration of a ‘whole system’ approach to embedding PI across an organisation from governance structures through to research projects.
Using the findings from the CLAHRC NWC evaluation, this paper presents important reframing of challenges and potential way forward for organisations that genuinely want to work equally with people with relevant “lived experience”.
Summary of Findings: Air Pollution (February 2020)
Summary of Findings: Social Isolation (February 2020)
Summary of Findings: Social Prescribing (February 2020)