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Research Priorities

The Equitable Place-based Health and Care (EPHC) theme has a commitment to co-production with the public and practitioners, as well as a focus on actions to improve social determinants of health. ​

Proposed ideas for research activity within the EPHC theme have been informed by collaborations and evaluations from the across ARC membership. The EPHC Theme Management Group lend population health and place expertise to input to development of programmes of work. Ongoing consultations and engagement with third sector organisations and members of the ARC Adviser Forum also contribute.

2022/23 ​

WP2 Research Briefing


VCFSE Project Overview Dec.

Social Prescribing research outline

Community Involvement in Air Quality Plans and Actions

Community involvement in local air quality plans and actions


Informed by the Partner Prioritisation Process, a series of 10 group conversations took place in four communities within the North West Coast  to sense check, validate and explore insight on potential issues around social prescribing, social isolation, and air pollution. In total more than 60 members of the public contributed to the conversations. The group conversations were coordinated by the Community Research and Engagement Network (COREN) utilising their local networks and communities, and knowledge of their local areas. ​

Summaries of the main points raised in the group conversations can be found here:

Summary of Findings: Air Pollution (February 2020)

Summary of Findings: Social Isolation (February 2020)

Summary of Findings: Social Prescribing (February 2020)