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Service providers, planners, commissioners and the public commonly consider health and care in-terms of stages of life or population groups rather than conditions or settings. Key sectors of secondary health and social care are divided in this way in terms of both service commissioning and provision. However new models are emerging locally, e.g. ‘One Liverpool’ that are life-course focused, as a way to tackle health inequalities and provide place-based integrated care. Health and Care reorganisations, such as the Healthier Lancashire and South Cumbria network of Integrated Care Systems, and the seven NWC Vanguards, will require experts from across all sectors of ARC to collaborate on ways to evaluate processes and outcomes, value-for-money and health inequality impacts from service redesigns and innovations. This includes a focus on developing and delivering models of health and care from traditional divisions towards place-based integrated models, including more effective transitional care.


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