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Sandra Smith

HEMS PA Group Member and PA Co-Lead for PCCC

Sandra Smith is a dedicated advocate for health equity and patient empowerment, driven by her personal experiences with Motor Neurone Disease, terminal illnesses, and end-of-life care. With a profound belief in the importance of her work, she passionately engages as a Public Adviser for ARC NWC (Applied Research Collaboration North West Coast), leveraging her first hand knowledge and unwavering commitment to make a difference.

In Sandra’s own words, “I believe my personal experience of Motor Neurone Disease, terminal diseases, and end-of-life care within my personal and volunteering life, along with my passion and commitment enables me to identify with the strategy and ethics of being an ARC NWC Public Adviser.” This deep-rooted conviction underscores her belief in the power of lived experiences to shape healthcare strategies and policies”.

As a Public Adviser, Sandra serves as a vital bridge between the public and healthcare decision-makers. Her role involves representing the diverse voices of communities in discussions and decisions regarding health research projects. By amplifying these voices, she endeavors to influence and contribute to research endeavors that directly impact patient outcomes and public well-being.

Sandra’s journey as a Public Adviser has not only honed her skills but has also provided her with the opportunity to collaborate with like-minded individuals—from fellow public advisers to researchers and health and social care professionals. Through ARC NWC, she engages with a diverse network, including academics, healthcare providers, universities, and local authorities, all united in the pursuit of improving health and care services.

ARC NWC’s mission resonates deeply with Sandra’s values, as it aims to enhance patient outcomes, reduce health inequalities, and promote the sustainability of healthcare systems. By fostering collaboration and innovation, ARC NWC strives to create tangible improvements in the quality, delivery, and efficiency of healthcare services, both locally and nationally.

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