Patricia Jamal
MIDAS Public Adviser Theme Lead
I am a Palestinian from Lebanon, a mother to two beautiful children. I am also an Academic Librarian with over 25 years’ experience in various types of Libraries in Australia, the United Arab Emirates, Lebanon and the UK. Since arriving back to the UK in August 2020, I have been involved with the Maternity Voices Partnership in my role as Maternity Diversity Champion in the Bay area. My involvement with ethnic minority communities, hearing their maternity experiences and making a positive impact towards better communication and an awareness of what needs improving has led me to my role as a Public Adviser with ARC-NWC. Excitedly, my life journey seems to be taking me yet again towards an area I did not know much about or was even aware of. In October 2021 I started as a Public Adviser, advising PhD students with their research projects, involved in projects such as The Library of Lived Experiences, focusing on mental health and health inequalities in the region. This opened my eyes to the importance of public involvement and engagement in contributing to make a difference in people’s lives and access to services.
Since January 2022, my role as a Public Adviser co-lead for the MIDAS cross-cutting theme has given me the opportunity to further engage myself in health research on a more impactful level. By being a service user of health services myself, and by co-production and public involvement, I feel valued and heard, confident in my ability to make a difference.
I feel enriched by applying the experience I am gaining through contributing towards various projects, such as the RaCES project which helps inform policy and practice by using the latest systematic reviews and health technology assessments. It is but one of many areas of involvement that I contribute to. I thoroughly enjoy the support I receive by working along experienced researchers and institutions who are helping shape health policies.