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Jenny Downing

Research Fellow

Jenny Downing is a research fellow in the NIHR ARC NWC, Person-Centred Complex Care Theme. She has a background in public health and health service research and experience in conducting both quantitative and qualitative research. In this role she supports and contributes to the development of a programme of research focusing on prioritised areas of complex care (Digital Health, Multimorbidity, continuity of care). This collaborative work brings together members across academic and clinical health and social care to identify prioritised questions and co-develop appropriate research and implementation projects and external nationally competitive grant applications. She manages multidisciplinary collaboration across member organisations ensuring that our work is underpinned with the core values of public involvement and a focus on reducing health inequalities. One of the main areas of research currently focuses on healthcare utilisation, including via remote consultations. This work examines the impact of this change in practice on the reconfiguration of healthcare services and the health inequalities implications of this service change, particularly on those with complex needs. A variety of current project are examining changes to healthcare delivery since COVID-19. Associated with this we are using our Household Health Survey data to examine digital health inequalities. She also supervises PhD students. Recent projects include, personalised renal function monitoring in patients with heart failure taking diuretics, the development of tools to improve the detection, reporting and self-management associated with adverse drug reactions, and health inequalities in personalised healthcare.

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