Hina Qureshi
PA Deputy Lead, Improving Population Health
I have been a public adviser since 2018 and started with CLAHRC Neighbourhood resilience programme.
I have got an MA in Psychology from University of Karachi Pakistan. I am also a children’s storyteller and an artist with a local theatre company.
I am passionate about mental health and wellbeing and have worked on various government funded, council and community driven projects combining my community engagement and creative work to promote mental health and wellbeing in the south Asian community.
I am interested in introducing cultural sensitivities in research collaboration so to inform and empower policy makers on improving the health and wellbeing of marginalised communities.
Within my role I am looking forward to achieving positive outcomes in health and wellbeing not only for present but also future generations.
I am hoping that with my experience as a creative facilitator working with Varied groups I can bring their voices forward and in turn help improve population health.