Dr Scott Lamont
Senior Research Fellow, IMPaCT
Scott is a Senior Research Fellow with ARC NWC IMPaCT based at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), and a PhD graduate of the University of Sydney, Australia: ‘Examining assessment of decision-making capacity and consent processes in acute generalist settings: Legal, ethical and professional context’. He is a mixed-methods researcher with extensive experience in mental health, decision-making capacity and treatment consent, clinical ethics and law, and education, training, and continuing professional development, related research. Scott also holds positions as an Adjunct Associate Professor with the University of Technology Sydney and the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. He has previously worked in a healthcare organisation education and research unit in Australia and was an appointed member of the local health district Clinical Ethics Committee for 9 years there. He has held casual academic teaching positions at Southern Cross University, University of Sydney, and Western Sydney University, in Australia. His role involves delivering mental health research capacity and capability building activities across the ARC NWC. He is currently developing research streams in relation to ‘Restrictive Practices’ in non-mental health settings, ‘Deteriorating Mental State’ in acute generalist settings, and Mental Health Practitioners’ in primary care settings. Scott aims to promote the use of research evidence in improving care and outcomes for persons with mental health needs, and in other marginalised cohorts.
Contact SLamont@uclan.ac.uk
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