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Dr Pete Dixon

Theme Manager (Person-Centred Complex Care / Care and Health Informatics)

Originally with a background in botany, I have been working at the University of Liverpool on health-related research (primarily epilepsy) since 2007. I am the Theme Manager for both the Care & Health Informatics and Person-Centred Complex Care themes of ARC North West Coast. My previous work has included:
• Managing and analysing the National Audit of Seizure management in Hospitals (NASH)
• Research Theme Manager for the NIHR Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC) North West Coast
• Research Associate for Connected Health Cities North West Coast, analysing routinely collected administrative datasets to improve emergency care pathways in epilepsy, COPD and alcohol-related liver disease.
• Research Associate on the ‘COLLABORATE’ project – developing patient-centred, feasible alternative care for emergency department users with epilepsy.

I am also a trustee and treasurer of Mersey Region Epilepsy Association.

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