Research Internships 2020

We are pleased to invite applications for the latest round of NIHR ARC NWC Research Internships.
In this round, we are offering internships to support individuals from our Member organisations to:
• Prepare an NIHR Research Fellowship application – including Pre-Doctoral Doctoral Fellowship, Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowship, Development and Skills Enhancement Award, or Advanced Fellowship.
• Complete a Rapid Conversion Evidence Summary project (RaCES).
The internships are open to individuals employed within our Member organisations who have an established interest in research, implementation and evaluation, and are looking to begin the next stage of their research career. A list of our current Members can be found here:
Internships to prepare an NIHR Research Fellowship
Applications for Pre-Doctoral and Doctoral Fellowships must be supervised by Academic Researchers from Edge Hill University, Lancaster University, Liverpool John Moores University, University of Liverpool or the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan). Fellowships must align with an existing ARC NWC research theme (see https://arc- for our themes), address a regional or national priority, involve co- production with patients/ service users, and consider health inequalities.
Interns will be expected to dedicate sufficient time to their internship to enable them to submit an application to the relevant NIHR funding call. These are:
NIHR Award Launch dates
Pre-Doctoral Fellowship February annually Development and Skills Enhancement Award
January, May, September annually
Doctoral Fellowship including Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowships
April, October annually
Advanced Fellowship April, October annually
Internships for a RaCES project
Rapid Conversion Evidence Summaries (RaCES) are supported by the MIDAS and IMPaCT teams as part of the HTA research group at the University of Central Lancashire. These internships aim to develop the interns academic writing skills and understanding of systematic reviews. The intern will also be supported to disseminate the research output within their organisation and externally, for example publishing within a relevant journal.
The proposed RaCES topic should be described in the application and must also align with an existing ARC NWC research theme (see for our themes), address a regional or national priority, involve co-production with patients/ service users, and consider health inequalities. Interns will also be supported to complete a Postgraduate Masters Module in Implementation Science at the University of Central Lancashire, and to develop an implementation plan based on the outputs from their RaCES project. Fees for the module will be paid by ARC NWC.
Additional information
For both types of internships, salary back-fill (a payment of £6000) will be provided to the intern’s employing organisation to assist with time release. During this time, interns will receive supervisory and other support at the appropriate University. Interns will also have the benefit of working alongside other interns and researchers throughout the programme.
Applicants for these Internships are expected to have a strong interest in research, a commitment to submitting an NIHR Research Fellowship application or completing the RaCES project, full managerial support, and ability to attend the appropriate University for supervisory meetings and any required training sessions.
To request an application form please contact Please indicate which type of internship you are interested in applying for. Applications must be received by 5pm, Tuesday September 1st 2020. Interviews will be held in September and the internship must begin shortly after.
If you would like to discuss these internships then please email Colette Miller or George Georgiou You can also telephone Colette on 01772 893693 or George on 01772 893506.