Next ARCFEST will be in Kendal – all you need to know!

ARC NWC’s second hybrid-format ARCFEST will take place on Tuesday 13th September 2022 in the market town of Kendal, at the Castle Green Hotel (above).
We will be providing a new format for guests with the following features:
A “Marketplace” where guests can meet face-to-face with a representative from any of our themes, meet public advisers, staff from our member organisations undertaking internships and discover the work of our PhD Students. This area will be active for the whole day.
We understand some member representatives may wish to attend the Marketplace only and chat with theme representatives over specific projects and browse our work, which is fine and we welcome this (for those in-person feel free to include a spot of lunch, etc.)
For those attending virtually, you will also be able to engage online (1-2-1) with theme representatives through the online platform and view streamed video updates from all themes.
We will also be offering two dedicated hybrid workshops on the subjects of Mapping equity across ARC NWC and Health Equity Research Champions, enabling you to access the Health Equity expertise knowledge of our staff This will be provided in a hybrid format.
In addition, running parallel to these events, the ARCNWC MIDAS Theme ( will be hosting a RaCES (Rapid Conversion of Evidence Summaries) workshop (in-person only) at the ARCFEST on the 13th September 2022.
It will provide an opportunity for people to: learn how to identify and critically evaluate evidence from a systematic review on an important question around policy or their practice; assess the implications of the evidence and opportunities for implementing change; and, write a two-page summary for submission for publication. Support will be provided throughout the process by the MIDAS team. For a brief introduction to RaCES see and
If you are interested in joining the RaCES workshop, please email the MIDAS team (, letting the team know know the area of health or social care practice or policy (i.e. your research question) you would like to look at. MIDAS are particularly interested in working with groups of 3 to 5 people, whether health and social care professionals or public advisors. Places are limited for this 1-day workshop, so please contact us as soon as possible (closing date 19th August 2022).
In summary, an outline of the day is as follows:
09:15 am Welcome & Introduction to all attendees
09:30 am Opportunity to tour Marketplace (in-person / online)
RaCES workshops (in-person) / Mapping equity across ARC NWC (hybrid)
12:30 pm LUNCH
RaCES workshops (in-person) / Health Equity Research Champions (hybrid)
16:00 Wrap Up / End
More detail in relation to the above workshops is provided on the Eventbrite registration site.
Early registration is essential so we can assess numbers to help shape our event and maximise the benefits to you.
If you are attending in person please ensure you register by 31st August 2022 and indicate if you wish to attend the health equity workshops. Please use the below link to register.
To attend the RaCES workshops use the contact email above (this will also provide automatic access to the marketplace)
If any member organisation would like to discuss the reclaiming of travel expenses for their staff members attending ARCFEST in person, please get in touch.
More in-depth work of our themes is available on our website
If you have any queries please email us at
All sessions will be recorded so members, advisers, etc. can watch them back and they will be made available several days after ARCFEST via our YouTube channel.
We very much look forward to catching up with you on 13th September.