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Implementation Science

Implementation Science Sub-group Lead
Dr Yasemin Hirst (Senior Research Fellow, University of Central Lancashire)

Implementation Science Sub-group Deputy Lead
Dr Emma Ashworth (Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University)

Implementation Science Sub-group
The ARC NWC Implementation Science sub-group aims to bring together people across the North West Coast with expertise, experience, or an interest in implementation science. We want to support collaboration, develop research ideas, and enhance capacity for implementation. We offer expertise to support the sharing, discussion, and development of implementation science methodology. We welcome new members to the group and if you are interested in joining the group, please contact us at

Upcoming activities
• Deliver training in implementation science for Health Innovation NWC colleagues – 17th May 2024 (may become available to wider audiences following the training)
• Plan and deliver networking sessions to encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing amongst people interested in implementation science
• Develop methodological support tools to provide guidance for people across the North West Coast to consider and embed implementation science into their research

Past activities
ARC NWC Implementation Science Sub-group Seminar – 9th January 2023 (presentations from Emma Ashworth on “implementation variability as a moderator of outcomes in school-based interventions” and from Rachel Stockley on “the application of the non-adoption, abandonment, scale-up, spread, sustainability (NASSS) framework in stroke rehabilitation research”)
ARC NWC Implementation Science Sub-group Seminar – 6th July 2022 (presentation from on Claire Hanlon on “the role of co-production in the development and implementation of the James’ Place Model”)
• ARC NWC Implementation Science Sub-group Seminar – 22nd February 2022 (presentations from Hayley Lowther on “quality improvement collaboratives to implement changes in stroke care” and from Louise Connell on “implementing and evaluating NeuroRehabilitation OnLine (NROL) in the NHS”)


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