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Implementation – Research into Practice

Implementation science is “the scientific study of methods to promote the systematic uptake of research findings and other evidence-based practices into routine practice, and, hence, to improve the quality and effectiveness of health services”.
(Eccles & Mittman, 2006)

Watch the webinars delivered by the MIDAS Implementation Science sub-group:

ARC NWC Implementation Science Sub-group delivered on 9th January 2023:
– “Variability as a moderator of outcomes in school-based interventions” (by Emma Ashworth)
– “The application of the non-adoption, abandonment, scale-up, spread, sustainability (NASSS) framework in stroke rehabilitation research” (by Rachel Stockley)
ARC NWC Implementation Science Sub-group Seminar delivered on 6th July 2022:
– “The role of co-production in the development and implementation of the James’ Place Model” (Claire Hanlon)

Presentation slides are available for the following webinars (22nd February 2022)
“Quality improvement collaboratives to implement changes in stroke care” (by Hayley Lowther) – presentation slides only
“Implementing and evaluating NeuroRehabilitation OnLine (NROL) in the NHS”(by Louise Connell) – presentation slides only

Implementation Science Module

This module aims to support students in appreciating and evaluating a range of approaches to implementing scientific findings, evidence-based guidelines, Co-Design protocols, care processes (e.g. care bundles) or best practices in order to improve delivery of services.

    Topics included in the module content:

– Processes in implementation and principles of implementing change,
– Guidelines for implementing change,
– Diagnostic analysis and intervention strategies,
– Effective organisation approaches to implementation,
– Evaluation of changes through theoretical frameworks.

The modul is available at the University of Central Lancashire.


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