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INSIGHT: Studentships

What is an INSIGHT studentship?

INSIGHT research master’s degree studentships are competitive awards for individuals which offer funding to cover your tuition fees and a maintenance stipend (provided at UKRI rates). Funding is ringfenced to support study towards one of six INSIGHT NW master’s degrees, hosted by one of our 4 host Higher Education Institutions, more information can be found here

These valuable awards also offer access to training, networking and development opportunities to help you develop your understanding of, and contribution to, evidence-based practice, research and innovation.

As one of thirty INSIGHT award holders across the region, you’ll belong to a group of newly-qualified health and social care professionals taking their first steps to becoming future research and innovation leaders.

What does the funding cover?

Studentships cover the cost of tuition fees and a maintenance stipend to support living costs.

For the academic year 2024-2025, the rate of the UKRI stipend is £19,237 per annum (tax free) which is paid to you in regular instalments by your host Higher Education Institution (HEI).

What do “Newly qualified” and “Early-Career” mean?

INSIGHT Studentships are designed for newly qualified, or early career professionals who have recently completed their professional registration. This encompasses:
•Those who have recently graduated from a health and social care undergraduate programme, including those graduating in summer 2024,
•Those who have been working in practice for up to 3 years.
•We understand these definitions offer a perspective of who falls into these categories, and recognise that an individual may not easily fit into them depending on their personal circumstances, for example if a career break has been taken. If you are unsure whether you are eligible, please contact the INSIGHT engagement team for advice

Can I work alongside a studentship and will this affect my stipend?

INSIGHT award holder undertaking full-time study will be expected to complete their research masters degree within 12-months, and will receive the full stipend during this time period. It is therefore expected that no more than one day per week of additional paid employment be undertaken during this time to ensure successful completion of the programme.

The part-time study route is expected to be completed within 2 years, and the stipend will be paid pro-rata over this period. Award holders studying part-time should undertake no more than 0.6FTE (three days) additional paid employment, to allow sufficient time to focus on their studies.

It is the responsibility of the award holder to ensure they are complying with tax laws should additional paid work be completed in addition to the tax free stipend payment.

What if I am interested in more than one master’s degree programme?

It is anticipated that this will be a highly competitive process. Applications to the INSIGHT NW Region Programme will be co-ordinated in a single call for applications. Applicants will be asked to provide details of their first and second choice programmes of study, though only one interview will be required. We recommend all applicants provide a second choice as, in the event that they are not successful in securing a place on their first choice or programme, they may be offered an opportunity on their second choice.

Can I work alongside a studentship, and will this affect my stipend?

INSIGHT award holders undertaking full-time study will be expected to complete their research master’s degree within 12-months, and will receive the full stipend during this time period. It is therefore expected that no more than one day per week of additional paid employment be undertaken during this time to ensure successful completion of the programme.

The part-time study route is expected to be completed within 2 years, and the stipend will be paid pro-rata over this period. Award holders studying part-time should undertake no more than 0.6FTE (three days) additional paid employment, to allow sufficient time to focus on their studies.

The below illustration is an example of your potential earnings, based on the agenda for change pay rate for a Band 5 NHS employee.

It is the responsibility of the award holder to ensure they are complying with tax laws should additional paid work be completed in addition to the tax-free stipend payment.

Can I study part- time?

To allow INSIGHT Award holders to simultaneously develop their profession-specific skills, both full and part-time studentships are available.

How to apply

The call for applications to Round 1 of recruitment is now open.
The call closes Monday the 17th June 2024 at 1pm.
Apply now


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