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Health Equity Champions

Who is championing research and equity in your organization?

The importance of research and equity in the provision of health and social care continues to grow across all sectors, necessitating collaborative support to effectively deliver services and reduce health inequalities. A new initiative organised by the ARC NWC MIDAS Group will help provide the support you need to use research to benefit the work you and your organisation do in delivering services that people need.
The Health Equity Research Champions (HERCs) program will:

• Introduce Health Equity Research Champions, a valuable resource for all, to your organisation
• Enhance the role of existing champions to include advocacy of equity sensitive research
• Develop a Health Equity Research Champions Network that offers structure and support to individual champions, and acts as a resource across sectors, sharing knowledge and supporting collaboration
We are now inviting a limited number of organisations across the North West Coast region to become early adopters and further co-produce and co-develop the program for the next six months, before a second wave of recruitment. A key objective of the HERCs is that its approach can be tailored to each organisation’s and sector’s needs and resources available, while champions from different settings come together in a community of practice to exchange experiences and learn from each other.
Does this sound of interest and you would like to find out more about it? The following presentation will give you a brief overview: Develop in-house Health Equity Research Champions
If you still have questions and would like to enquire further you can reach out to me anytime (
What you do need to do is nominate your organization as an early adopter and leader of the Health Equity Research Champions initiative by completing the following form:HERCs Organisation Nomination Form
*The form needs to be filled out by a manager that has the authority to sign up on behalf of their team/organization. All managers will be invited to a first planning online meeting 11:00-13:00 on 21 May before their champions can be enrolled.


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