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Dear Diary: Life under Lockdown recorded by People across the North-West

Lancaster University researchers from the Applied Research Collaboration North West Coast (ARC NWC) today have published a series of research bites (available below) based on the findings from a study which used online diaries to collect public insights of how the coronavirus affected daily life across the North West coast of England.

Over 8 weeks between April and June 2020, 15 public advisors across the northwest coast logged their experiences of lockdown and how it was impacting them, their families and local communities. Advisors wrote about the effects on their mental well-being resulting from lockdown restrictions, losing their day to day routines and not being able to see family and friends.

What’s in a method? Using diary methods to research public experiences

Same storm, different boats? Experience of lockdown rules during COVID-19 – findings from a diary project

Use of remote technology in research – Findings from the EPHC Diary Project

Mental health and COVID-19 – findings from a diary project


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