Adviser Peter pens Covid-19 Book

Peter Lloyd, a public adviser to ARC NWC, has written a book about the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Peter is a highly experienced and much travelled senior academic having held posts at the Universities of Queensland, Manchester and finally Liverpool. He left Higher Education in 2001 as Professor of Urban Geography, Head of the Department of Geography and Dean of the Faculty of Social and Environmental Studies. For over 20 years Peter has supplied academic expertise to the European Commission and the OECD.
Here he presents an introduction about the book’s premise:
“I said I would never write another book and this is it” wrote Spike Milligan in the Preface to Puccoon.
Well, me too! Readers of the papers written with Michael Blakemore over the last year suggested they should be brought together in a book.
The Covid-19 Experience in England: Eight Essays on the Pandemic and its Management” is now available at
The original material is assembled unchanged in a time-sequenced narrative. For those interested in a quick read, the new material is to be found in Chapters 0 and 9 and in the “looking back” sections that start each paper. Chapter 9 covers events during December 2020 to bring things up to date and offers a set of broad conclusions. As a resource for our fellow researchers, Chapter 10 provides a day-by-day bibliography of events for 2020.
Professor Mark Gabbay, Director of ARC NWC, said: “We are very fortunate that we have a wide and varied knowledge base in our public advisers. This is excellent work from Peter and his book is one example of the variety of activities our public advisers are doing during the pandemic. Many are working in communities providing support to others and we are fortunate in both the ARC and North West areas to have the level of knowledge, dedication and compassion that has been shown.”