Multimorbidity Scoping Survey – research and services in the North West Coast

his survey is aimed at people who are aged 18 years or older, who are actively involved in delivering multimorbidity services or research. It aims to gather information about models of care or services specifically aimed at managing multimorbidity and also to gather details of relevant ongoing research in the field of multimorbidity
Multimorbidity is the co-existence of two or more chronic conditions, each one of which is either (Academy of Medical Sciences Definition):
A physical non-communicable disease of long duration, such as a cardiovascular disease or cancer.
A mental health condition of long duration, such as a mood disorder or dementia.
An infectious disease of long duration, such as HIV or hepatitis C.’
This is not a piece of research but a scoping exercise the Person-Centred Complex Care theme of the NIHR ARC North West Coast are conducting with our ARC members to inform how we develop our multimorbidity priority area and involve members in the future.
If you would like more information please contact: Dr Jenny Downing