June ARCFEST Announced

Our next ARCFEST will take place on 13th June at Preston North End Football Club.
This is a hybrid ARCFEST focusing on health inequalities and will feature the regional Integrated Care Boards outlining their current priorities for tackling health inequalities and research. We will be highlighting a selection of our work that will speak to these agendas accompanied by a panel discussion.
As preparation for the morning discussion we would encourage members to consider any research and/or innovation initiatives in this area which their organisation has been involved in or is developing, to feature in this session. Please email us via arcnwc@liverpool.ac.uk if you have any projects you wish to be featured (via posters or highlighted in panel discussions or feel free to raise on the day).
Additionally, we are keen to hear the key priorities in our member organisation Research and Development strategies, which they want considered as part of our business plan for 2024-26 funding extension discussions. By informing us in advance, we can ensure they are part of the formulation of questions for the interactive group table discussions. Please feedback to us using the above email.
There will be two theme meetings held, from our Health and Care Across the Life Course (HaCAL) and Equitable Place-based Health and Care (EPHC) themes.
The EPHC meeting will focus on “Impact on health inequalities of place based digital transformation”.
HaCAL will circulate a briefing about their theme meeting soon, but will be presenting subtheme activity and plans. The theme are keen to hear about projects which member organisations are undertaking within the subtheme areas of interest which they would like to highlight on the day in brief panel presentations and wider discussions- particularly work ripe for implementation or perhaps seeking wider engagement and collaborations. These ideas will then be offered for collaboration opportunities and prioritisation on the day. Please contact arcnwc@liverpool.ac.uk if you have ideas within our subthemes you might wish to present.
It would be very helpful if each member organisation can ensure a representative attends – thereby ensuring member contribution towards our business plan for 2024-26 funding extension, as well as our and health inequalities focused research portfolio moving forward. We need your input as YOU ARE ARC NWC. This is a collaboration.
An agenda and the Eventbrite page on which to register your attendance is accessible here:
An extended lunch provides ample time for networking and there will be a “marketplace” area where a representative from each theme will be available to discuss current projects, new projects and implementation or dissemination opportunities.
All sessions on the day will be recorded enabling members, public advisors and other stakeholders to watch them back and will be made available via our YouTube channel.
Documents / presentations / reading materials in advance of the ARCFEST will be made available on the ARC NWC presentations page.
This page will be updated on the 6th June 2023. We will contact hybrid attendees with access details a week before the event.
We look forward to seeing you on the day!
Any queries please contact arcnwc@liverpool.ac.uk