Children Growing Up in Liverpool (C-GULL)

C-GULL is an exciting programme of research focused on improving the health and wellbeing of children and their families within the Liverpool City Region. It is a new longitudinal birth cohort nested within a civic data linkage programme and aims to reduce health inequalities by collecting data from 10,000 families from early pregnancy. By tracing the lives of these people, we will understand more about what influences the health and wellbeing of children and their families living in the region – providing valuable insights into how we can improve health outcomes for children.
Researching child health and development from pregnancy is a powerful way of understanding the many things that can shape a child’s life. We need to understand more about how each part of a child’s life comes together to affect their health and wellbeing. For example, family, genes, the environment in which they live and the services they are able to access and use.
The C-GULL Study launched in Autumn 2022 bringing together citizens, researchers and clinicians from across the Liverpool City Region and wider afield to make it one of the largest family studies in the UK.
Find out more about C-GULL here